Israel's fight against sex trafficking
Oh yeah, great. It’s hard to work with this article. I have bad memories abt(word-about) these ppl(?!), especially because Israel being an Islamic country and that bring influence to my opinion towards Israeli. No matter how hard I tried to be more fair, more objective about the case, what came to my mind is “Yerr, they’re all pricky(?!), no wonder they can do this to innocent women”. I did analyze the PMI however, but it sounded like this:
P : From this article we learn that Israeli are dangerous, we learn to avoid Israeli, we learn to protect ourselves from them.
M : This article destroyed the good image and credibility of Israeli ( if they ever had any)
I : They still got conscience after all, they are now working this issue out.
It doesn’t sound good at all, so let’s just ignore it.
So I decided to write down what make this sells
Erm, basically, I think there is more impact in this article. It makes us angry; it makes us want to criticize them but also makes us want to know more things on this issue. Anyone who is not very happy with this might want to know what’s going to happen next, or has the government solved the problem. This creates a slight involvement and we know we care about it.
November 7, 2007 10:09 PM
Jean’s advice: The opinion you shared is good since you had such a significant feeling toward the issue. The PMI could be more specific would be better. Some world I don't really get involve but good grammar without error.
Cult awaits end of days in cave after leader's arrest
Nowadays, every clan in Christianity seems to name themselves “True something”. It’s a strong biased word, I think; in terms of “true” there must be the opposite of it, which is “false” or “fake”. They fanatically belief that they are right from the start and that others are fake prophets.(sentence?!) We have always learned that everything in this world is two-sided right?
What interests me here is if these cults based themselves on church, then how could there be so many different cults with different belief in the world. We only have one Jesus and one Holy Bible, though there are many versions but still they are similar in content. Call me shallow, but I never succeed in understanding how they interpret the Bible. How they form these clans, is it legal? Are their beliefs some kind of modified Christianity?
This kind of fundamentalism brings such a great impact to our life. I remember the same thing happened in 1999, 09-09 at 09.09am to be exact. People said apocalypse was going to happen. But then what? And about Y2K or millennium bugs or something like that. Everyone was anxious and they stacked food, stayed at home and pray.
May 2008, what will it be like?
November 22, 2007 4:38 PM
Jean’s advice: Interesting ideas about two-sided. Religion always can arise many problems, include reform, battle, and even war. They devoted their religious passion in mad. Good opinion and with compassionate affections.
Mother of truant daughter jailed
When it comes to education, who(grammer) is more responsible? Parents or children(sentence)?
This article surely has positive impacts on the upbringing of school-age children. There’s no more “I don’t feel like going to school today because I don’t know what to wear”. But seriously, in this case, I think school has the equal responsibility to provide counseling or something similar to it. Schools supposed to be constructive foundations which provide more than just theory to educate students. Showing care is another way. Schools need to show involvement in child’s upbringing, not an absolute involvement of course (e.g continuous home-visits), but at least show that schools don’t only cares about tuition and fees.
There’s a sense of novelty in this article. We’ve seen students being suspended or even arrested, but now, why the mom? Will this ever going to work? I think sending the girl to a boarding school is more effective.
November 22, 2007 6:30 PM
Jean’s advice: Education becomes more and more important recently. The different time would constrain the various limited society, people need to adjust their footsteps to keep up path with the news trend. No matter it referred to parents or children, they all have that responsibility to the progress community.